Medical Expenses and Economical Development Of A Country


      Indian poor people is becoming poorer by spending huge money in hospital.Govt has provided free facility to economically weaken people.But uneducated citizen of a country can not know what govt provide them freely.

   Lack of access to govt data.In a India like democratic country people should be aware about elected govt's free medical service.

  Indian poor people are not health conscious.They can not know the disease in early stage.Poor people still believe in destiny of having life taking disease.They believe God has created disease and cure also.Poor people means not same as western poor.

   Western poor are very aware about their health.Developed country's poor people are very smart to understand the importance of health issues.They understand human capital very goodly.

   Indian healthcare has seen privatisation.Private hospital business is very profitable business in India.Hospital owners keeping marketing agent to grab customers means patients.Generally rural poor are suffering from marketing agent's cruel target.

Here poor people means maximum farmers from rural ares.In Europe poor people do not link directly to farmers. Farmer's living standard is very high there.But Indian poor means directly related to rural farmers.In rural India 70% people are now staying of total Indian population.

   Poor farmers are not using technology in farming .So their farming is not a profitable business. Why it is calling profitable business ?

 In  Europe farming is a business.People of that region see farming with a high earning eye. It is happened after coming of industrial revolution.

 But Industrial revolution has not created an strong impact on poor rural Indians due to our spiritual and religious culture. Indian city life has been changed.Rural Indians do now dual works. One farming and secondly migrated to industrial areas of India.Growing demands of their family also pressuring on them to earn much.

 India like male dominated family still fully dependable on male's income. Male dominating family system has now been vanished in metro cities of India.This male dominating nature is staying in Indian blood.This has been sweet and weak family mentality which badly impacting Indian family gross income and family culture.This type of thoughts increasing dependability on male earner .

  So male earner getting disturbance. They have to focus on earning.They can not focus on their health.What is happening in their body; which organ is going to damage they can not know.

  Innovative plans can be utilise to solve the problem.Govt can do this. For instance in food some harmless chemicals can be added for particular organs like kidney,lever,stomach,lungs,heart,brain etc. A certain chemical will impact on particular organ so that person will go to hospital for health check ups.Family members will keep this in top secret .If that person will know that this is a false health issues then he/she may not go to hospital for treatment.Poor people regularly do not go to hospital as rich people.

  What is the positive impact of this govt health plan.Monthly going to hospital if they have diseases in early stage then they can know it.After knowing they can save their life. They will not go to a expensive medical operation.So, they can save their hard earning money which they had kept for decades.They can save this money in bank which will help the economy of a developing country .A developing economy like depend upon bank's saving which come from it's citizen's savings account.It is blessing for a savings base economy which later a govt spend in infrastructure, health, education in other development works.

   On serous thing will not happen .This poor group will not be the target of private hospital's marketing agent.Innocent and simple rural people can save their hard earning money.

  They can spend their money in other development activities .Financially they would not be poor.A lower middle class family will not go down economically into poor situation.Their purchasing capacity will continuing which is very benefit to a purchasing base economy.

  For to create well purchasing base economy any govt should focus on free health facility.Domestic companies will not look a festive season to sell their products or stocks. A regular strong purchasing will be available for them. That will indirectly increasing employment opportunity.

  So here we knew medical expenses deeply connected to a country's development.Someone can say how hospital business will run .Is it possible that each person never face any disease.I am not saying every person would be stay cure always not be ill. This is anti nature. But i want to say that less people would be in disease if they do early medical treatment.

This can be implement in Africa, North and South America,Asia.This can solve any govt's headache in healthcare.This will benefit both rural and urban poor globally.